A Pre-Kindergarten Academic and Activity Rich Preschool Program

Sunday, May 27, 2012


We are focusing on numbers and math as our theme for May and June. This month, along with our regular preschool routine, we have had a lot of fun with numbers! 

We paint numbers, sculpt them with play dough, and practice writing them on our white boards. 

Students use their white boards during each lesson to write down answers or practice things we are learning. After the lesson we go practice writing either letters (captial and lower case) or numbers. We switch off. The white board markers are a little easier to write with then pencils and the kids do great! 

This is our whiteboard after our "adding 3" lesson. Each student got to pick a number to add to 3 and an adding method. In preschool we learn 3 adding methods: 1. adding using our fingers, 2. adding using the number line, and 3. adding using pictures. They all like the picture method best! Here we drew pictures of sticks and cookies on the first 2 problems.

We work on lots of great math worksheets! 

A few other fun things we've done lately are:

 Work on puzzles! This one is Sam's favorite. 

We made tulips for Mother's Day.

We earned another preschool party by filling up our jar with pom poms. This is Sam during the treasure hunt finding a clue. 

Preschool party cupcakes! 

Practicing our letters, here is Hh! 

Snack time! Toast and milk!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our Earth

We finished up our month of April theme, "Our Earth." During this month we learned about the continents and oceans in addition to our regular alphabet, numbers, shapes, time, etc routine. Each student worked on making their own map of the world. We also made some fun projects when we learned about oceans. The curriculum this month was really fun! 

Ayaa cutting out North America. Such a sweet smile!

Eden working on Australia.

Their finished maps! Love Sam's expression.

Fish handprints for Ocean day. Eden's is my favorite.

They each got to make an octopus out of paper plates and streamers which they had fun playing with! 

Ayaa has made incredible progress this month on her handwriting as you can see here. She is working on our weekly spotlight worksheet which we do daily to practice our handwriting. For this week it looks like the spotlight was a hexagon, letter C, and numbers 16, 17, and 18. 

This is the kids singing the continent song we learned. It's fun to see them learn things that I taught my 4th graders!