A Pre-Kindergarten Academic and Activity Rich Preschool Program

Friday, May 17, 2013

Learning Character

We have been spending the month of May learning about character and manners. Here is a look at some of the fun things we have been doing:

We have played several great games! This one below is like musical chairs. When the music stops you land on a name and you have to say something nice about that person. We used the names of our classmates, and mom. They had some great things to say about mom. 

This game was a life sized gratitude board game. The students rolled a die, then counted the spaces to go. They had to "do" whatever they landed on. Some of the spaces were: name a vegetable you are grateful for, go back 3 spaces for forgetting to say thank you, move forward 5 spaces for saying a prayer of gratitude, etc. It was so much fun!

During our gratitude week the students also took home strips of paper to fill out with their parents of things they are thankful for. At school they got to read them to the class and we stapled them together to make a great big gratitude chain. It was really long and we had fun finding different places to hang it and admire it's length :) We have so many things to be thankful for! 

We completed some great art projects also. Paper plate watermelons, pasta necklaces for Mother's Day (the kids LOVED doing this), thank you cards, a good manners collage, and paper plate puppets. 

This made me laugh. The first picture is the one I made to show them as an example of what to do. And the last picture is Mason's final project. Ha ha!! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy May

Happy May! I am so excited about the theme this month- Character and Manners. 

This week we learned about respect. We learned how to spell it and what it means, then we went on a scavenger hunt around the preschool room to find the letters and definition of repsect. It was a lot of fun and they did a good job remembering! We also dot painted using q-tips the word respect. 

This month we have a lot of fun lessons and games planned to help us learn about being kind and having good manners. I plan on having a group of very polite preschoolers by the end of the month! We have some great art projects coming up, some of which are theme-relevant and some of which just looked cute! 

This is us eating strawberries for snack time and finger painting. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Learning the Continents

The month of April has flown by! We had such a fun time learning about continents this year in preschool. We spent time learning about each continent with our continent boxes. During lesson time students got to come and pick something out of the box and explain why they thought it belonged to that continent. So much fun! In the Africa box we even had a bracelet made out of elephant tail hair. 

We also completed a few great art projects for each continent. 
For South America we made rain sticks- totally cool. They took a little more adult help then I thought they would though. And we tried but they didn't make it start raining. 

For Europe we watercolored a picture of the Eiffel Tower which was easy and fun! They turned out so pretty too.

For Asia we made accordion dragons. The Mulan movie was in the continent box that day. They wanted to watch it instead of do art. :) Too bad kiddos! 

For our Australia day we made paper bag kangaroos and for Antarctica we made snowflakes. 

We also got to have a preschool party! We filled up our jar with poms poms we earned working hard. We played a lot of fun games to celebrate. After learning time we went on a treasure hunt for our special treat (chocolate chip cookies). We played a new game we called musical numbers. We walked around the letters in a circle to the music and when the music stopped they had to find a letter and quick! sit down! 
We went fishing for letters and played shape bingo, too. Bingo winners got to pick a treasure from the treasure box. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Summer School Information

Summer School
Bri’s Bees Preschool will be holding a six week summer school program the last three weeks of June and the last three weeks of July, contingent upon student enrollment.  Here is some information on our summer school program. Please let me know if you are interested!

$75.00 due the first class of each month

Dates & Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays June 11th- 27th
Tuesdays and Thursdays July 9th-25th
9:00am- 11:30pm 

Summer school program will go as outlines:

9:00- 10:00: Learning Centers 
Center 1: Worksheet Station: letters, numbers, patterns, and other worksheets
Center 2: Games Station: Candyland, Uno, Connect Four, and other fun learning games
Center 3: Art Station: cutting, gluing, coloring art projects
Center 4: Puzzles: shapes, letters, animals puzzles 
10:00-10:30: Circle Time Preschool Curriculum  
Sight Words

10:30- 10:45: Snack time
10:45- 11:10- Story Time
11:10- 11:30- Playtime 

(Every other Thursday we will hold an outdoor activity that will involve getting wet! Sprinklers, water balloons, etc. You will need to bring a bathing suit and towel for your student on these days.)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our Earth

For the month of April we are studying "Our Earth." For the first two weeks we learned about where the continents are on the map. We discussed the differences between countries and states, continents, and oceans. The students worked each day on completing their own preschool map with all the continents. I'm amazed at how well they know them already! They have already perfected the continent and ocean song and we sing it everyday. 

For the remainder of the month we are focusing on one continent during lesson time. For this focus we are using the continent boxes I put together (thank you for the idea pinterest!). We are having so much fun with these boxes! Students get to take turns coming up and picking something out of the box. Then they have to tell the class how they think that object relates to the continent we are learning about for the day. During art we are working on continent-coordinating projects like this shredded construction paper flag. I thought this was such a great idea to refine their fine motors skills but it took FOREVER to tear all of that paper!