A Pre-Kindergarten Academic and Activity Rich Preschool Program

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Valentines Day Party- Parent Day at Preschool

We filled our large jar with pom poms again which means it's time for another party! We decided to hold it on Valentines Day and have a Parent Day as well. It was a great time!

First we all got to take a picture with our guest. Emma brought her older brother, Jake. Jessica, Jodi, and Michele were able to make it also. I even got a picture with my little Valentine.

Next we sat in our half circle and showed our parents the morning routine we do each day. We spelled our names, practiced sight words, went over our calendar, weather, shapes, numbers, and ABCs. We ran through it all pretty quickly and they did a great job! 

After the morning routine we put on our Bee's costumes and performed our preschool songs. We have learned a song for each month and theme this year. September was ABCs (ABC song), October was numbers (Count to 50 song), November was shapes (Shapes song), December and January were animals (the Animal song), and for February we are learning a song about our bodies. We didn't perform that one because we are still learning it! 


Next we made Valentines and played some fun games. We played pin the arrow on the heart, and another game where we sang a Valentines song and pass around a heart. Whoever had the heart when the song ended was out! Last we passed out class valentines and had treats. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our Five Senses

For the month of February we are learning about our bodies! This week, along with our regular alphabet, numbers, shapes, etc. curriculum we learned about our five senses. It was most probably the funnest week ever! 

We learned about our sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. We read great library books throughout the week to teach us about these senses. We also played some fun games and completed a few art projects.

One day we focused on using our sense of smell. Each child was blindfolded and I held out different things for them to smell. After each student got a chance to smell, they got to shout out what they thought it was. They did awesome! It wasn't hard for them at all! 

Here they are smelling a few of them: peanut butter, gold fish, and bananas. We also made flower necklaces for art because flowers smell so good! 

Another day we singled out our sense of hearing. They were each blindfolded again and I made a little noise with lots of different objects. This game was a little harder for them! I shook a bottle of vitamins, crinkled foil, shook a water bottle, banged pots and pans, and a few more. They were stuck on the vitamins for awhile! For art we made maracas to make music for our ears! 

We also spent a day on our sense of touch. For this game they were blindfolded and had to guess what each object was by just feeling it. They felt a diaper, a bottle, a cell phone, a fork, a stapler, and a few more. They thought this was a breeze! We made these cute "feel hands" to describe how different things might feel.

This week Q was the spotlight letter. We practiced the q sound and words that start with q all week. Emma brought an outstanding q collage to share with the class. Here are a few of the worksheets we did:

We also have a new student! Elly had to leave our preschool class and we were so sad to say goodbye. With Elly gone we had an open spot. Our new student's name is Mason and we are so excited to have him!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Amphibian and Insect Weeks

We have finished our January theme of Animals. Tomorrow is our first day in class for the month of February and our new theme for the month is "The Body". We are going to have a lot of fun with that! First, take a look at our Amphibian and Insect weeks:

Amphibian Week

Insect Week

This month's theme song was the hardest one on the year. It is called the "Animal Song." It has a verse for each kind of animal we have learned about: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and insects. I  didn't expect students to be able to learn the whole thing but they did great! I recorded them singing it and it took 5 and a half minutes. Unfortunately it was too large to load up!