A Pre-Kindergarten Academic and Activity Rich Preschool Program

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our Preschool Schedule

Now that we have finished two whole weeks of preschool we are getting better at our routine. Here is a look at what we do every day at school.

When the students first arrive they get to play together and do puzzles.

Then go through our morning procedures:

First we clean up the toys.

Next they pick a preschool job for the day and put their puppet in place.

Then they draw a yellow card with a number, shape, or letter on it. That card tells them what sitting square they get to sit on!

After they are sitting we recite our class rules quickly.

Then we go into our Learning Time. We learn about the calendar, sing the "months of the year" and "days of the week" song. We look at the weather for the day and review the seasons. Then we go through our ABC cards. The students say the letter, sound, and picture for each letter in the alphabet, when they see the card. We also do this with number cards. We have group and individual turns so I can see who is really getting it! After our flashcards we start our lesson of the day. Some of the lessons we have done have been on our name, shapes, being healthy, numbers, adding, and more. We have a large whiteboard we often use for Learning Time.

After this we switch to Table Time. First we have a snack!

Next we continue with our lesson by completing a related worksheet. For example the day we learned about where we live, they traced their name and address. When we learned about being healthy, the students circled pictures on their worksheets of healthy behaviors and traced the words below the pictures.

Then it is our Creativity Time. For this we have made popsicle puppets, Valentines, drawn our homes (using a triangle and a square), made bees costumes, and more.

After art it is Story Time. Students get to pick one or two books from the shelf and we read together. We make predictions, review the plot, and discuss the story together.

Next is Singing Time. We have a Preschool Songs jar full of popsicle sticks with song titles. They each take turns picking songs and we sing together. We are learning lots of fun songs!

The last activity we do is exercise. The kids really like to go outside and race down the sidewalk and back. Sometimes we sing while we exercise, and we always make sure to stretch when we're done.

It's a fun two hours!


  1. This looks like so much fun!!! Can't wait until Sophie is old enough!!! :)

  2. Wow Briana! That looks like so much fun for the kiddos. Too bad we don't live closer or I'd totally enroll Owen.
