A Pre-Kindergarten Academic and Activity Rich Preschool Program

Sunday, February 15, 2015

"Our Body" and Valentines Day Party

Our theme for the month of February is "Our Body." During the first week of the month we focused on our 5 senses: smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch. We used blindfolds to use our senses to guess a variety of objects. Tuesday we used our sense of smell to guess peanut butter, chocolate chips, goldfish crackers, and bananas. The girls did great with their sense of smell. On Wednesday we used our sense of touch to guess objects, and Thursday we used our sense of hearing (that one was the hardest for them!). 




We have some great worksheets for the "Our Body" theme. We also completed a few fun art projects like our flower necklaces (we like to smell flowers),  texture hands, and paper plate tambourines. 

On our focus wall we have had "R, 11, and pentagon" and the next week, "S, 12 and heart." We are continuing to practice beginning sounds and sounding out words. We have also talked about the different parts of our bodies and colored a few organs in preparation for our big body diagram! This month we are learning a song about our body. It goes like this: (Row, Row, Row your Boat tune)

My body works so well,
It helps me every day!
Five senses to help me learn, 
explore and to play.

Smell, hear, touch and see
Taste will teach me too. 
Nose, ears, hands and eyes,
My mouth helps me chew. 

Inside my body true
They’re working really all the time.
Lungs, heart, stomach, brain,
They keep me living prime. 

Kidneys, liver, intestines,
esophagus and bones. 
Each of them play a part 
My body’s all my own! 
I love how they say "esophagus" :) 

We had a fun Valentines Day party on Thursday. We ate rice krispy treats and passed out Valentines. We made adorable heart hats, they turned out so cute! We had a fun list of games to play, too: ABC matching, paint the number heart, heart race (for this one the girls had to fill a spoon with paper hearts, carefully race across the room to put them in another bowl and go back for more until they had transferred all the hearts in their bowl), pom pom toss, and a caterpillar heart craft. 

1 comment:

  1. You are so amazing! I love reading your blog! Lucky girls to have you teaching them...
