A Pre-Kindergarten Academic and Activity Rich Preschool Program

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bring your Parents to Preschool Day!

We've been continuing on our monthly theme of "the alphabet" and making more fun letters each day during art. The students are really doing amazing things. Eden can read so many words, Sam can hear a word and tell me what letter is starts with, and Ayaa is making swift progress everywhere from cutting to reciting sounds.

Ostrich O

Penguin P

Quail Q, Rabbit R

Snail S, Tractor T

We also had our first ever Bring your Parent to Preschool Day. It was a lot of fun! Our parents had to chance to see what we do during our morning preschool routine. We also frosted some yummy cookies, decorated foam frames, and gave a special performance to show off all of the songs we have learned in preschool!

Putting together puzzles

The Bri's Bees performance

Making our frames

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