A Pre-Kindergarten Academic and Activity Rich Preschool Program

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Preschool Party and a Happy Birthday!

Our three lessons this week were:
Monday: Phone numbers- practiced memorizing and writing our phone numbers
Wednesday: Patterns- identified patterns in sequences of shapes and letters


And Friday: We had our first ever Preschool Party! Each day at preschool the students work to earn pom poms to put in our large jar. They earn them by sharing, working hard, following directions, and answering questions correctly during the lesson. Once they fill the jar we get to have a Preschool Party!

After going through our morning routine (calendar, weather, alphabet letter names and sounds, numbers, and shapes) we started our party off by singing Happy Birthday to Ayaa and having cupcakes and ice cream.

Next we started our activites:

First we played "Hot or Cold." I hid the first clue to our next activity in a small box and explained that if you were close to finding it we would tell you that you were "hot." If you moved far away from it you would get colder, etc. (You know how to play..)

Next we had a treasure hunt! After finding the box the students used the clue to find the rest of the hidden clues. Which of course led them to the treasure! (They loved this one!)

After the hunt we put our treasure in our back packs and went fishing for letters! I used a bobby pin for the worm, cut out card stock fish, wrote a letter on each of them, and stuck a small adhesive magnet to each. They really like this game too. Once they caught a fish they had to tell me the letter, the sound it made, and a word that started with that letter (if they could think of one!).

Then we played a bean bag toss. I made bean bags the day before by first, putting about of cup of pinto beans in a ziploc bag. I cut up one of my daughter's old receiving blankets (we have tons) and sewed two squares inside out, put the beans in the middle, then sewed the rest together. They turned out great. Then I just cut some shapes out of a piece of poster board and taped it to two chairs. The kids loved keeping track of their "points" on this one.

Lastly, our little Sam requested that we play a few minutes of Wii Sports at our first Preschool Party. He was pretty excited about it too!

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