A Pre-Kindergarten Academic and Activity Rich Preschool Program

Friday, May 17, 2013

Learning Character

We have been spending the month of May learning about character and manners. Here is a look at some of the fun things we have been doing:

We have played several great games! This one below is like musical chairs. When the music stops you land on a name and you have to say something nice about that person. We used the names of our classmates, and mom. They had some great things to say about mom. 

This game was a life sized gratitude board game. The students rolled a die, then counted the spaces to go. They had to "do" whatever they landed on. Some of the spaces were: name a vegetable you are grateful for, go back 3 spaces for forgetting to say thank you, move forward 5 spaces for saying a prayer of gratitude, etc. It was so much fun!

During our gratitude week the students also took home strips of paper to fill out with their parents of things they are thankful for. At school they got to read them to the class and we stapled them together to make a great big gratitude chain. It was really long and we had fun finding different places to hang it and admire it's length :) We have so many things to be thankful for! 

We completed some great art projects also. Paper plate watermelons, pasta necklaces for Mother's Day (the kids LOVED doing this), thank you cards, a good manners collage, and paper plate puppets. 

This made me laugh. The first picture is the one I made to show them as an example of what to do. And the last picture is Mason's final project. Ha ha!! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy May

Happy May! I am so excited about the theme this month- Character and Manners. 

This week we learned about respect. We learned how to spell it and what it means, then we went on a scavenger hunt around the preschool room to find the letters and definition of repsect. It was a lot of fun and they did a good job remembering! We also dot painted using q-tips the word respect. 

This month we have a lot of fun lessons and games planned to help us learn about being kind and having good manners. I plan on having a group of very polite preschoolers by the end of the month! We have some great art projects coming up, some of which are theme-relevant and some of which just looked cute! 

This is us eating strawberries for snack time and finger painting.