A Pre-Kindergarten Academic and Activity Rich Preschool Program

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Preschool Graduation Ceremony

We had the best Preschool Graduation. The girls were so excited to receive their preschool awards and diplomas. We performed a few of our learning songs for our parents and also watched a slideshow of the pictures I took throughout the year. We played a game with our families I called, "Are you Smarter Than Your Preschooler?" I asked questions based on things we've learned throughout the year like "what are Saturn's rings made of?" and "What is the longest bone in your body?" It was great. Afterwards we had a little lunch. I am going to miss these wonderful girls. It has been a great year at Bri's Bees! 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

April's theme "Our Earth"

We have had a great month of preschool. We are working hard on our preschool routine to help the students review all we have learned and continue challenging them to learn more. When students arrive they have a few minutes of "free play" when I get to sit with each preschooler and work with them at their own level. We practice sounding out and reading each day. Throughout the flashcards of morning routine we "pick a song" and review some of the curriculum songs we have learned through the year. We also got a new weather station this month which has been fun! 

April's theme was "Our Earth." The girls loved learning about the continents and the oceans. They have the ocean chant and continent song down so well! We practiced locating and naming the continents and oceans every day this month. Repetition is so important at this age! For each continent we had a different art project. Here are a look at some of the fun projects we did. 

We also worked on a map to take home throughout the month. We colored one continent at a time and just finished our maps yesterday. Now they can quiz their siblings at home! 

Monday, March 30, 2015

All about Space

This month our theme was "Space." I love our space theme because we have so many fun things to do! I have some great children's books on space that we read and read again. We spent a week on planets, a week on stars, and a week on the moon. We completed some great art projects and even made moon phases with oreos. 

We played planet memory and moon phase memory! We learned a new song about planets: 

Twinkle, twinkle little star
Up so high, up so far.
The stars surround the planets eight.
We can name them ‘cause we’re great!
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
Jupiter, Saturn, they are far.
Uranus, Neptune are the last.
The Solar System is so vast.
Whether they are big or small, 
the Milky Way has got it all! 

We continue to work on our regular curriculum each day, letters, numbers, shapes, patterns, writing, etc. We had some great worksheets this month to help us continue to work on counting, writing letters and numbers, completing patterns, and practicing CVC words. Each day in class during free play I am able to work with the girls one-on-one for a few minutes. We work on whatever they need need, depending on their current level of comprehension. I read simple books with a few of the girls and work on sounds and numbers with others. They are doing great! I love my class!   

Friday, March 13, 2015

Finishing Our Body Theme

We finished our body theme! We had a lot of fun with this theme for the month of February. I found great books at the library that taught us about different parts of our bodies, we made skeletons, "x-rays", and completed "organs" and "bones" worksheets. To finish the month off we made a life size diagram of our body complete with a brain, lungs, heart, lives, stomach, and intestines. We drew our bones and veins, too! 

 We've added a few things to our regular routine. We are working on sounding out simple words together as a class. During our "free play" time when the girls first arrive at school I am taking turns working with them individually. A few of our girls are starting to read simple books and it is so exciting! 

This month our theme is "Space". Next week is Spring Break so we will pick up with it again on March 24th! 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

"Our Body" and Valentines Day Party

Our theme for the month of February is "Our Body." During the first week of the month we focused on our 5 senses: smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch. We used blindfolds to use our senses to guess a variety of objects. Tuesday we used our sense of smell to guess peanut butter, chocolate chips, goldfish crackers, and bananas. The girls did great with their sense of smell. On Wednesday we used our sense of touch to guess objects, and Thursday we used our sense of hearing (that one was the hardest for them!). 




We have some great worksheets for the "Our Body" theme. We also completed a few fun art projects like our flower necklaces (we like to smell flowers),  texture hands, and paper plate tambourines. 

On our focus wall we have had "R, 11, and pentagon" and the next week, "S, 12 and heart." We are continuing to practice beginning sounds and sounding out words. We have also talked about the different parts of our bodies and colored a few organs in preparation for our big body diagram! This month we are learning a song about our body. It goes like this: (Row, Row, Row your Boat tune)

My body works so well,
It helps me every day!
Five senses to help me learn, 
explore and to play.

Smell, hear, touch and see
Taste will teach me too. 
Nose, ears, hands and eyes,
My mouth helps me chew. 

Inside my body true
They’re working really all the time.
Lungs, heart, stomach, brain,
They keep me living prime. 

Kidneys, liver, intestines,
esophagus and bones. 
Each of them play a part 
My body’s all my own! 
I love how they say "esophagus" :) 

We had a fun Valentines Day party on Thursday. We ate rice krispy treats and passed out Valentines. We made adorable heart hats, they turned out so cute! We had a fun list of games to play, too: ABC matching, paint the number heart, heart race (for this one the girls had to fill a spoon with paper hearts, carefully race across the room to put them in another bowl and go back for more until they had transferred all the hearts in their bowl), pom pom toss, and a caterpillar heart craft.